Caturday Madness: Cat Memes, Cuteness, And Wholesome Goodness 😻

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It's the age-old conundrum that has scratched the surface of many a cat lover's mind: Do indoor cats look at alley cats as homeless or as free? Well, as we paw-nder this intriguing question, it's important to remember that cats, in all their majestic fluffiness, embody both the aristocratic homebody and the adventurous free spirit, often within a whisker's breadth of each other! Now, imagine this duality captured in the irreverent world of memes.

Do you have a tiny, furry goblin that lives in your apartment or house? We do, and his name is Mr. Whiskers. He is a good roommate, but he never pays rent, for groceries, or offers to do the dishes! On top of that, he only poops in a small box, and expects us to clean it up! We love Mr. Whiskers, don't get us wrong, but we wish he would get a job to help contribute to the rent.

Welcome everyone, to the Fur Baby Museum's annual Fur Baby Fun Time festival! This fangtastic festival celebrates all things kitten, with many wonderful interactive exhibits, play areas, and food stalls, all catering for the cute and cuddly kittens of our ameowzing city! As some of you might know, this festival was started by the founder of our illustrious museum.